Thursday, April 5, 2007

.:.Today's thoughts.:.

..Today'sLine: EverythingAboutYouTakesMyBreathAway and SoUnworthyAmI..

I've been helping out some friends with their problems and its very overwhelming for me in a great way- because i have a great concern for each of them- yet time gets in the way, and its always hiding on me :P So i've been slow but sure at things lately.

It really takes a lot of courage, strength, the exact right state-of-mind, patience and TIME to sit down and write long emails of advice. lol but thank God i'm able to do that.
I find myself on my face calling out to God for words- and its amazing- He directly leads me to the right scripture i need to be reading. I have to tell you- its incredibly scary to tell someone about God- to tell them what the bible means- to tell that what God's will for their life is- because its so scary to make a wrong statement, again, thats why it takes a lot of courage & strength. Them thinking I'm insane is my least concern- I've already overcome that- but what God thinks of me, well that's a whole other story.
But man, its so worth it in the end- its incredibly breath-taking how God can work in our lives. It's such a blessing to be used as an instrument for God's Holy work in this crazy world. Now all i want to do is honor and glorify God in my every deed and word. I can't even tell you how amazing it feels to have the Holy Spirit right there with me, leading me, comforting me, guiding me.
I consider none this the work of myself, for i am not worthy nor able, but is all of the Holy Spirit in me. May the Holy Spirit help you and I to go daily to the Bible for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.
In His Name-God be glorified.
Sitting at the feet of my Father,
Courtney <3

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey courtney :]]
thought i'd let you know that i know exactly what you mean.
i have a friend who was suicidal, and by God's wonderful grace He gave me the chance to witness to her and she became a christian, and not a moment too soon.
i know what it's like to have to carry the burden of the struggles of others, but praise the Lord that we don't have to carry it alone, He'll help us through :]
stay strong, and remember that you're never alone in any of it.
