Tuesday, February 27, 2007

•Forget Him Not•

Today, in my school books, I came across a paragraph that said this…

“Since the beginning of human existence, people have been curious about why things are the way they are. Because people didn’t know the real causes, they created their own explanations of nature’s mysteries. Now that science has answered most of these questions, pourquoi tales are enjoyed principally for their imaginative explanations.”

These scientists and people searching for the answers of life don’t know the truth is right at their fingertips. The bible says God is revealed in all of creation, yet all this time, people refuse to believe the truth- they want to make their own discoveries based on what they only make themselves think is true, and all the while- what they believe has no logic and no explanation for why they came up with such a conclusion.

“There is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.” Obviously, nonchristians will not willingly choose to step into the concept of God is creator- we are creation. But us Christians can do our part by bringing creation into this world like never before. We are perfectly capable, with the help of the Holy Spirit to take a stand for Christ… to firmly state what we KNOW is true- death penalty or not.

Countless times Christians are fighting over the doctrine of Christ- lets face it, humans will never come up with one complete conclusion of what we think the bible is telling us. So why not unite together so we can become a strong force against the world rather than fighting immaturely LIKE the world? Who cares if every single person on planet earth has their own opinion about things- God made us that way! He made us unique- not one of us is like anyone else.

God made the reason for our purpose so plain and simple. If He wanted to make the answers complicated, and make us search for them for billions of years, He would have! But we don’t have to! Scientists today are still trying to pull apart biological diversity- breaking everything down into tiny pieces- only making everything even more complicated than they already made it to be.

You don’t have to analyze an atom to figure out how we were formed and how we ever came to be, just take a step back- and look at the whole entirety of creation- ‘how in the world’ do you get mountains, humans, animals, trees, buildings and tiny insects from an imperfect, mythological, chance-purposed explosion? If we evolved from apes, how come we ain’t still evolving? When did the evolving suddenly stop? Why is every single person’s body absolutely perfect and alike in its form? How can you get perfection from massive imperfection? It’s just not logical!

We were made BY God, in the IMAGE of God, and continue to exist BECAUSE of God! We do not exist by our own free will, and we don’t exist apart from God’s will.

This is one of my favorite quotes:
"God is glorified not only by His glory's being seen, but by its being rejoiced in. When those that see it delight in it, God is more glorified than if they only see it.... He that testifies his idea of God's glory [does not] glorify God so much as he testifies also his approbation of it and his delight in it."
~Courtney <3

Sunday, February 25, 2007

I Hate You.

I hate you. I hate everything you stand for. I hate everything you consist of. I hate the way you look at me. I hate your ideas and concepts. I hate every word that you speak, for all you speak is deceit. What I hate more than anything is that there is some truth to your words, therefore you are believable. But I will not believe you!

I know you too well, I know your tricks and intentions. You are only here to destroy me and all that I am. To destroy my hope for life and my joy. To destroy my dreams and distort my vision. Your intent is to steal everything good in my life, like a thief in the night.. I hate the way you look at me in the mirror.. I hate how you laugh and scoff when I am discouraged. I hate the way you relentlessly chase me. How I hate to hear your voice. I hate you for my past and how I listened to you. Listening to your deceit, that I was worthless and unworthy of love, that I wasn't beautiful, that I was unintelligent. I hate that I let you define me!

But I LOVE knowing you have lost. I love to see you trampled on day after day. I love to feel your defeat and loss. I love to expose your lies and who you really are. I love knowing that the pain you caused is not only gone, but being used for good. I feel pleasure now when I think about you now, because you are continually being crushed and destroyed, and everyday your voice gets weaker and weaker.

But oh how I love the One who gave me power over you. He gave me power to defeat and overcome you. For He is my Savior, my King, my Victor, the One who rescued me, the one who heals the unseen, and restores joy.

~Susannah Zawko

Friday, February 23, 2007

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What Makes A Dad?

God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... Dad.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

•.Coping with Cliques.•

Romans 12:2
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 8:29
For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

Do you feel like you're auditioning for the sequel to "Mean Girls"? Have you had it up to your well-groomed eyebrows with the tricks of your clique? Do you hate following the dress code of your clique but think you'll be dropped if you don't?

Are you holding back on approaching someone you'd like to be friends with because you think she's in a group that's out of your league? Are you concerned about whether you'll still be popular and included this year at school or whether you'll feel like an outcast - or worse, be picked on?

Whether you're on the outside looking in or the inside wanting out, it can help to know what makes cliques tick.

What's the Difference Between a Group of Friends and a Clique?

Friendship groups are normal and healthy. It's nice to feel you belong and fit in. It's good to know you have friends to hang out with. Being part of a group can help people develop relationship skills, feel close to others, get and give support, share ideas, discover what's important to them, and have fun.

Usually, friendship groups form around the things people have in common. So skaters, jocks, Goths, preps, punks, and even the math club are naturally drawn together because they share the same values and interests. The people in these groups feel they have a place where they are welcome and supported, and where they can be themselves, quirks and all.

Some groups stick together for a long time. Others drift apart after a while as people develop new interests, make different friends, or just find they have less in common. People can move in and out of different groups and can even be part of several at the same time. Even within a group, people often have one or two friends they feel closest to and enjoy the most.

Some friendship groups seem pretty flexible and welcome people to join in. Others seem much more restricted, though. People in these groups make it clear that not just anyone can be part of their crowd. That type of restricted group is sometimes called a clique.

What's the Deal With Cliques?

Cliques are tight groups that usually have a strict code of membership and ways to act. Instead of being centered on shared values and beliefs, many cliques tend to focus on maintaining their status and popularity. For instance, a certain clique may try to make it seem like the people in the clique are "better" than those outside, or that their clique is "better" or higher status than another clique.

Unlike regular groups of friends, where members are free to socialize with others outside the group, people in cliques do everything together. They sit together in class, go to the mall together after school - and they only do stuff with other clique members or people they decide are "cool."

Although people might think it's better to belong to a clique than to be excluded, many times people in cliques end up dealing with lots of pressures and rules. They soon start to worry about whether they'll continue to be popular or whether they'll be dropped. After a while, they may begin to realize that true friends wouldn't be so bossy or demanding.

Why Do Cliques Attract People?

Cliques attract people for different reasons: For some people, being popular or cool is the most important thing, and cliques give them a place where they can get this social status. Other people want to be in cliques because they don't like to feel left out. And some people simply feel it's safer to be on the inside than the outside (it's not, but more on that later).

Cliques give people who like to take control a chance to be in charge (for good or bad!). And, for people who feel more comfortable following, they offer a place where rules are clearly defined. It's always clear to clique members what they need to do to fit in.

Clique membership is usually tightly controlled by the leaders. These social gatekeepers are the ones with the power to decide who should be hot and who should not. This type of membership control usually happens in cliques of girls.

As many great girls have found, entry into a clique isn't guaranteed. In fact, a girl who is seen as likeable and popular may actually be excluded from belonging to a clique. That's because her personality or confidence may pose a threat to the leaders. She may not be a good "follower" - especially if she can be popular enough on her own. Sometimes her friends may even be invited to join when she isn't. Clique members may deliberately exclude her in an attempt to take away her perceived power or the threat they think she could pose. People in cliques sometimes use their power to hurt others on purpose, either by excluding them, being mean, or both.

It's not all roses inside the clique either. A person's standing within the group can always be under threat. Most of the followers cling to the leader not out of true friendship but because they want to keep their position in the group. But even the leader can lose her power. In fact, the queen bee in a strong girl clique probably worries as much - or even more - about being popular and accepted as the outsiders do. Because no one feels secure, clique members often use the tools of flattery, humiliation, or rumors to manipulate situations and preserve their status.

A few girls manage to stay friends with people both inside and outside the clique. But that can be hard to do because there's often intense pressure from the group to be friends only with people on the approved list. It takes a lot of self-confidence to dare to be friends with someone outside the clique.

Sometimes clique members decide they want out. They don't like being limited by the rules, and they don't like leaving others out and hurting people's feelings. As people mature, they usually outgrow the need to be part of a clique.

Surviving Cliques
Whether you're on the inside or the outside, cliques can make your life tough. But there are ways to cope:

•Know yourself - and your reputation. Now is a time for getting in touch with your values, interests, and beliefs. If you're encountering cliques, it's a good opportunity to ask yourself some self-discovery questions about what you and your true friends give each other. Do you want to be part of a group because you need to feel accepted or because you actually share their values? Has your group of friends morphed into something you don't like? How do your friends influence the way people think about you? Does this make you feel good or bad?

•Stay involved in activities that make you feel good about yourself. If you're in a clique, don't let the group pressure you into giving up things you love or spending time and money on things that aren't important to you. If you're on the outside and feeling left out, getting involved in things that interest you is a great way to find a sense of belonging, help you feel valued, and take your mind off a group that's not welcoming.

•Keep your social circles open and diverse. Cliques can be very limiting in the way they control how members look, think, dress, and behave. Don't let them make you miss out on getting to know people who may become close friends. If you're on the outside, it can help to find a close friend or group of friends whose values, goals, and behaviors fit in with yours. The support and genuine caring you get will keep you from feeling so defenseless when the mean girls tease and bully. Sometimes just knowing that clique members are probably insecure can limit their power over you.

•Speak out. If you feel your group of friends is turning into a clique, take a stand for your beliefs. Be prepared that the clique might go on without you (remember those girls who feel threatened by someone else's strength). But there's also a chance that others might follow your lead and stop acting so clique-y. If it's too hard to get up the courage to speak out, you still don't have to participate in things that feel wrong. And if you're on the outside and know that a clique is bullying or intimidating others, let teachers or counselors know about it.

•Have a mind of your own. Be sensitive to others and don't go along with what you don't believe is right - even if others are doing it. You are the only one responsible for your behavior. True friends will respect your mind, your rights, and your independent choices.
Friendships change. Just as the rising power of one or more cliques can make life miserable, shifting social winds can take their power away. You may encounter cliques as a freshman or sophomore. But the good news is that most cliques have disappeared by the end of high school.

Want to know the real secret to being popular and having friends? Be a good friend yourself. People who enjoy true and lasting popularity are those who have good friendship skills. Being a friend means being respectful, fair, interested, trustworthy, honest, caring, and kind. So if you want to have friends, be just the kind of friend you'd like to have.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Humility of Love

The Humility of Love, Part 1- John MacArthur

Monday, February 12, 2007
The magnificent Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the great monuments to love — the love of a husband for a wife. Ironically, its lavish design pales in comparison to one simple, caring act performed long ago. (Contained in the link below)


Justification by Faith

Justification by Faith
by John MacArthur

The Reformation doctrine of justification by faith is, and has always been, the number one target of the enemy's attack. It provides the foundation of the bridge that reconciles God and man-without that key doctrine, Christianity falls. But the doctrine that the Reformers so painstakingly clarified, even spilled blood over, has become so muddled today that many Protestants barely recognize it. Sadly, there are some who react against a clear presentation of justification, calling it nothing more than useless hair-splitting.

The superficial interests of the seeker church have caused doctrinal issues to be downplayed and deemphasized-what "unchurched" person wants to come hear about theology? Under the influence of pragmatism, the seeker-sensitive movement has traded God-honoring doctrinal clarity and biblical purity for entertainment and motivational speeches.

Social and political concerns have brought evangelicals and Catholics together in recent years to unite against the forces of secularism. Under the influence of ecumenism, it's difficult for either group to remember what it was that divided them in the first place.

The pragmatists and ecumenicists are aided in their forgetfulness by new theological movements that redefine justification in more Catholic terms. Under the influence of liberalism and postmodernism, proponents of the New Perspective on Paul, the Emergent Church, and others have so confused and redefined the doctrine of justification that it has become shrouded in darkness once again.

The Christian church today is in danger of returning to the Dark Ages. The seeker movement has Christianity turning in its Bibles; the ecumenical movement urges Christians to use worldly means to accomplish temporal ends; and current theological movements look through the lens of philosophy-Enlightenment rationalism and postmodern subjectivism-rather than Scripture. The departure from sola scriptura has led to the departure from sola fide-justification by faith alone.

Back to the Beginning

In the 1500s a fastidious monk, who by his own testimony "hated God," was studying Paul's epistle to the Romans. He couldn't get past the first half of Romans 1:17: "[In the gospel] is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith" (KJV).

One simple, biblical truth changed that monk's life-and ignited the Protestant Reformation. It was the realization that God's righteousness could become the sinner's righteousness-and that could happen through the means of faith alone. Martin Luther found the truth in the same verse he had stumbled over, Romans 1:17: "Therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by faith" (KJV, emphasis added).

Luther had always seen "the righteousness of God" as an attribute of the sovereign Lord by which He judged sinners-not an attribute sinners could ever possess. He described the breakthrough that put an end to the theological dark ages:

I saw the connection between the justice of God and the statement that "the just shall live by his faith." Then I grasped that the justice of God is that righteousness by which through grace and sheer mercy God justifies us through faith. Thereupon I felt myself to be reborn and to have gone through open doors into paradise. The whole of Scripture took on a new meaning, and whereas before the "justice of God" had filled me with hate, now it became to me inexpressibly sweet in greater love. This passage of Paul became to me a gate to heaven.

Justification by faith was the great truth that dawned on Luther and dramatically altered the church. Because Christians are justified by faith alone, their standing before God is not in any way related to personal merit. Good works and practical holiness do not provide the grounds for acceptance with God. God receives as righteous those who believe, not because of any good thing He sees in them-not even because of His own sanctifying work in their lives-but solely on the basis of Christ's righteousness, which is reckoned to their account. "To the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness" (Romans 4:5). That is justification.

Declared Righteous: What Actually Changes?

In its theological sense, justification is a forensic, or purely legal, term. It describes what God declares about the believer, not what He does to change the believer. In fact, justification effects no actual change whatsoever in the sinner's nature or character. Justification is a divine judicial edict. It changes our status only, but it carries ramifications that guarantee other changes will follow. Forensic decrees like this are fairly common in everyday life.

When I was married, for example, Patricia and I stood before the minister (my father) and recited our vows. Near the end of the ceremony, my father declared, "By the authority vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you man and wife." Instantly we were legally husband and wife. Whereas seconds before we had been an engaged couple, now we were married. Nothing inside us actually changed when those words were spoken. But our status changed before God, the law, and our family and friends. The implications of that simple declaration have been lifelong and life-changing (for which I am grateful). But when my father spoke those words, it was a legal declaration only.

Similarly, when a jury foreman reads the verdict, the defendant is no longer "the accused." Legally and officially he instantly becomes either guilty or innocent-depending on the verdict. Nothing in his actual nature changes, but if he is found not guilty he will walk out of court a free person in the eyes of the law, fully justified.

In biblical terms, justification is a divine verdict of "not guilty-fully righteous." It is the reversal of God's attitude toward the sinner. Whereas He formerly condemned, He now vindicates. Although the sinner once lived under God's wrath, as a believer he or she is now under God's blessing.

Justification is more than simple pardon; pardon alone would still leave the sinner without merit before God. So when God justifies He imputes divine righteousness to the sinner (Romans 4:22-25). Christ's own infinite merit thus becomes the ground on which the believer stands before God (Romans 5:19; 1 Corinthians 1:30; Philippians 3:9). So justification elevates the believer to a realm of full acceptance and divine privilege in Jesus Christ.

Therefore, because of justification, believers not only are perfectly free from any charge of guilt (Romans 8:33) but also have the full merit of Christ reckoned to their personal account (Romans 5:17). Here are the forensic realities that flow out of justification:

We are adopted as sons and daughters (Romans 8:15) •
We become fellow-heirs with Christ (v. 17) •
We are united with Christ so that we become one with Him (1 Corinthians 6:17) •
We are henceforth "in Christ" (Galatians 3:27) and He in us (Colossians 1:27)

How Justification and Sanctification Differ

Justification is distinct from sanctification because in justification God does not make the sinner righteous; He declares that person righteous (Romans 3:28; Galatians 2:16). Notice how justification and sanctification are distinct from one another:

Justification imputes Christ's righteousness to the sinner's account (Romans 4:11b); sanctification imparts righteousness to the sinner personally and practically (Romans 6:1-7; 8:11-14). •
Justification takes place outside sinners and changes their standing (Romans 5:1-2, sanctification is internal and changes the believer's state (Romans 6:19). •
Justification is an event, sanctification a process.

Those two must be distinguished but can never be separated. God does not justify whom He does not sanctify, and He does not sanctify whom He does not justify. Both are essential elements of salvation.

Why differentiate between them at all? If justification and sanctification are so closely related that you can't have one without the other, why bother to define them differently? That question was the central issue between Rome and the Reformers in the sixteenth century, and it remains the main front in renewed attacks against justification.

Justification in Roman Catholic Doctrine

Roman Catholicism blends its doctrines of sanctification and justification. Catholic theology views justification as an infusion of grace that makes the sinner righteous. In Catholic theology, then, the ground of justification is something made good within the sinner-not the imputed righteousness of Christ.

The Council of Trent, Rome's response to the Reformation, pronounced anathema on anyone who says "that the [sinner] is justified by faith alone-if this means that nothing else is required by way of cooperation in the acquisition of the grace of justification." The Catholic council ruled "Justification … is not remission of sins merely, but also the sanctification and renewal of the inward man, through the voluntary reception of the grace, and of the gifts, whereby man of unjust becomes just." So Catholic theology confuses the concepts of justification and sanctification and substitutes the righteousness of the believer for the righteousness of Christ.

What's the Big Deal?

The difference between Rome and the Reformers is no example of theological hair-splitting. The corruption of the doctrine of justification results in several other grievous theological errors.

If sanctification is included in justification, the justification is a process, not an event. That makes justification progressive, not complete. Our standing before God is then based on subjective experience, not secured by an objective declaration. Justification can therefore be experienced and then lost. Assurance of salvation in this life becomes practically impossible because security can't be guaranteed. The ground of justification ultimately is the sinner's own continuing present virtue, not Christ's perfect righteousness and His atoning work.

What's so important about the doctrine of justification by faith alone? It is the doctrine upon which the confessing church stands or falls. Without it there is no salvation, no sanctification, no glorification-nothing. You wouldn't know it to look at the state of Christianity today, but it really is that important.

Adapted from makeThe Gospel According to the Apostles, © 1993 and 2000 by John MacArthur. All rights reserved.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Sunday, February 11, 2007

A Different Kind of Valentine

Chad was in the fourth grade. Because he was exceptionally small for his age, he was never chosen for teams at recess; during P.E. class when everyone had to be selected, he was always picked last.
Chad was shy. It was hard for him to talk to others, and he never knew what to say, so he just kept to himself.
He walked the one-half mile to school every day. And every morning, his mom would stand inside of the screen door and watch him leave until she couldn’t see him any longer. Every afternoon, around 3 p.m., she’d stand at the window by the kitchen sink and watch a group of fourth-grade boys laughing and kicking rocks on their way home. And about a block behind them walked Chad. Alone.
One day he came home excited and announced, “Mom, Valentine’s Day is coming soon. And I want to make valentines for every kid in my class. Will you take me to the store so I can get all the stuff?”
Her heart sank. She knew her son. He threw his whole self into everything he did. She didn’t want him to invest a lot of time and energy into something that he wouldn’t get back. But she also didn’t want to rob him of this newfound excitement. So she agreed.
After dinner, Chad broke into his piggy bank, and his mom took him to the store. He bought everything needed to make big, beautiful, homemade valentines — glitter, bright red construction paper, ribbons, white cardboard, brand-new crayons and markers and stencils.
Every day after school, Chad passed by the television, went straight to his room and worked on the valentines. Some nights his mom could hardly get him to the dinner table. She’d never seen her son so excited before.
After two weeks, he had finally completed his works of art. “Look at `em, Mom! Aren’t they great?” They were glorious. Beautiful in every sense of the word. Thirty-three bright red homemade valentines sat on his dresser that night. He dreamed of giving them away the next morning.
When he woke, his mom helped him carefully wrap the hearts in a big box. She taped it closed in case he dropped them on the way to school in his excitement and hurry.
As she watched her son leave with the box tucked under his arm, she noted that he walked with confidence. And for good reason — he had worked hard for what he carried. But her heart sank for fear that no one would remember Chad when passing out valentines to each other.
She decided to make cookies that afternoon and timed it so they’d just be coming out of the oven when he got home. That’ll take the sting out of his day, she thought. Warm, gooey, chocolate chip cookies — his favorite.
She placed the cookies in the oven at 2:45 p.m., then paced the floor. At 2:58 she pulled them out and placed them on the counter. At 3 p.m. she looked out the kitchen window and saw several fourth-grade boys laughing and bragging about their valentines. Their hands were full of little notes and cards of affirmation.
And about a block behind walked Chad. Alone. She squinted to see what he held in his hands. Books. Probably homework. His lunch pail. Any valentines? Still couldn’t tell. But she did notice he was walking faster than usual. He’s probably about to cry, she thought. And he doesn’t want anyone to see him. I’ll hold the door open for him so he can get in faster.
She walked to the front door just as he sailed past her screaming, “Mom!”
He ran into the kitchen and passed right by the warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies and spun around. It was then she saw it. One valentine. Crumpled in his little sweaty hand. It was a photocopied valentine from the teacher. Same thing for every student. Nothing special. Mom reached out to grab him in her arms, when he started screaming again.
“Mom! There were exactly 33 kids in my class. And I made exactly 33 valentines. I put a homemade valentine in every single bag. I didn’t forget anyone, Mom! I gave each kid a valentine, and I didn’t drop `em or smash `em. They were beautiful, Mom. And I had exactly enough for everyone. I didn’t forget, Mom. I didn’t forget one single kid! Isn’t that great?”
And she started to cry, but not because her son hadn’t received any valentines; she was moved by his selflessness. Because Chad was so focused on loving others, he hadn’t noticed when he wasn’t loved in return.
That’s not a bad idea, is it? Giving our hearts away. Isn’t that exactly what Jesus did for each of us? And it’s comforting to know that He never asks us to do anything He hasn’t done first. In other words, when our Father commands us to reach out to those who are tough to love, He himself enables us to do that by filling us with His love. That’s how Christians can truly love and make a difference. And not just on Valentine’s Day . . . but every day of the year.

Top 10 Things About the Newsboys

The Newsboys’ drummer, Duncan Phillips, had much to share from his experiences in worship, especially with people of many backgrounds and religions. His sense of humor made me laugh, and he has some amazing stories of the band’s experiences around the world. Duncan even has a few words of advice regarding relationships and living out the Great Commission. Read on to hear the top 10 things you must know about Duncan and the Newsboys’ latest album, Go.

1. The Newsboys are committed to Christ in their music, especially in fulfilling the Great Commission—to go out and speak the Gospel everywhere. The Newsboys have traveled extensively for the past year. Duncan told how amazing it is to travel to Morocco, Finland and Denmark. In the next months, they plan to head to other places such as South Korea, China and possibly Turkey. What leads them to play across the world? Duncan explains, “The last thing that Christ did before He left was preach the Gospel, and the Newsboys are trying to lead by example in that case.” The Newsboys want to mobilize Christians in preaching the Gospel around the world.

2. Duncan tells how he witnessed God working among the people of Israel. The Newsboys have been worshiping God all over the world, even to places such as Israel, where they played at a New Age festival. At first the crew guys and promoter were wondering why they had come to play, but their attitude changed soon after the Newsboys’ music was heard. The people loved them!
The promoter came to Duncan after the show and asked them to come back again. He thought the music was amazing! Duncan agrees that the power of music truly touched the people that night. “Something really happened there, I can’t really tell you what it was, but we’ll be back in Israel again,” he said.

3. “In Wonder,” one of Newsboys songs from Go, is one of Duncan’s favorites.After asking Duncan his favorite song from the newest album, Go, he said, “Man, that’s a tough one!” Instead of choosing one, he chose several, such as “Wherever We Go,” “Mission,” “Something Beautiful” and “In Wonder.”
Since Duncan had just experienced the beauty of Alaska from a recent show, he elaborated a little more as to why “In Wonder” meant so much to him. “The song taught me about the wonders of God and how He uses His greatness and incredibleness to reveal himself,” he said. Duncan had the opportunity to fly over miles and miles of beautiful mountains and glaciers while he was staying in Alaska. The beauty of the mountains kept running through his head as they played “In Wonder.“

4. The Newsboys express thankfulness to God for help in releasing another record.The biggest challenge for the band has been getting the new record finished. “We really do believe it’s the best record we’ve ever done.” Duncan was proud to say that they had finished the record and succeeded! The fans are showing their excitement about the record by the number of sales. This is the first pop-rock album Newsboys has released in nearly five years.

5. Duncan misses his family while he’s away.While on the road, Duncan misses his wife, Breeon, and two girls, Taylor and Madison. “I can’t explain to you how much I miss them,” he says. As a member of the Newsboys, he knows it’s part of the job to travel and leave family when necessary. ”I think if you’re called to do something, which I believe we are, whether it be the best builder in your town or the best cleaner or musician, if you’re following your call, I think you’re going to have times of sacrifice.”

6. Duncan met his wife at a bank.Duncan always thought he’d meet his wife at church or youth group, but that wasn’t the case. “I remember seeing this girl working as a teller and thinking she was the most amazing girl I’d ever seen in my life. I didn’t want to ask her out at first because I thought she’d say no, but I did, thank goodness.
It was really tough at first because we didn’t have any mutual friends or any mutual points of interest that we knew of, so it was almost like going on a blind date. It was great because she didn’t know about the band much, which meant she didn’t have any preconceived ideas.
I think she freaked the first time I invited her to a show. There were a few thousand people there, and she probably thought, Who is this guy? When we went out the first time, it was a level playing field. Now we’ve been married for nine years and have two wonderful girls. I’m blessed more than I ever thought I’d be.”

7. Duncan encourages dating in groups.Duncan stands firm on his opinions regarding dating and relationships. He advised both girls and guys to keep relationships open and real. Going out as groups takes the pressure off. When more people are around it keeps everyone accountable.
“I’m a real believer in going out with groups; that’s what I did when I was younger. Also, make sure you keep your friends; don’t leave them, but just stick together. The best way to date is to love each other, look out for each other and have fun,” Duncan says.

8. Duncan’s favorite movie in his younger years used to be Back to the Future trilogy.Now it’s between “Lord of the Rings” and “Star Wars.”

9. Duncan loves to read the Bible. “I try to read it every day. I really believe it’s the greatest book ever written. It’s the instructional manual for our lives.”

10. Duncan’s favorite vacation spot is a secret. When asked, he wouldn’t tell us. “I can’t tell you that. You’d want to go there! I’m going to keep it secret.”

Genuine Christian?

There are youth today doing drugs, drinking and partying yet coming to youth group, they are watching and doing sinful and inappropriate things for a christian and yet they're coming to youth group, believing themselves satisfied, believing themselves saved and no one is saying anything except this: "they're carnal christians, they're really christians, they're just carnal." - that is not biblical and it is not historical.

My dear friend, there is no such thing as a carnal christian. "They" say in 1 Corinthians 3, "are he not carnal," is what Paul said.... No! That's what Paul said, but you need to read the whole book to find out what he meant. Our problem is that christianity today is based on sayings we read on the back of christian t-shirts, today's christianity comes from song writers and not the bible. Most of what we believe to be true is dictated to us by our culture and not by the bible. The bible never teaches that a person can be a genuine christian and live in continuous carnatlity and wickedness and sin all the days of their life. But the bible teaches that the genuine get a new nature the genuine christian has a Father who loves them and disciplines them and watches over them and cares for them.

My heart is breaking because you, my fellow young people, you know as well as i do, lets not be hyprocites about it, lets not hide it -there are so many! You know them! You might be one of them, or you at least know that they're in your youth group. They come to youth group, they do all the stuff but in their heart they're as wicked as wicked can be. There is no difference, there's no light, everything that the world does they do and its "appropriate" its "ok". My friend, that's not christianity, They are not in danger of losing their reward they're in danger in HELL! They know not God.

So many people today proffess to have had an encounter with Jesus Christ and yet they are not permanently changed! You will know someone is a genuine christian by their fruit! Look at your life! Look at the way you walk, the way you talk, the passions of your heart, is Jesus in there somewhere? Or is he just some accessory that you add on to your life? Is he just something you do on Wednesday or Sunday? Is he an accessory or is he the very center of your life?!?! And what is the fruit you are bearing? Do you look like the world, act like the world? Do you have and experience the same joy that the world experiences? Can you love sin, can you love rebellion? You will know them by their fruit! God has the power to change them.

Please, i'm begging of you today, be honest before the world, and before your Creator! It is impossible to have an encounter with something as large as a logging truck, be run over by it, and not be changed! And so my question is... what is larger? A logging truck or God? How is it that SO many people today proffess to have had an encounter with Jesus Christ and yet they are not permanently changed! And so i pose the question... are you a genuine christian, holy and blameless before God, or are you a liar destined for eternal pain and suffering in hell?

In Christ,

Courtney <3

Saturday, February 10, 2007

ღ Heart Broken•?

Advice on…

Dating and How to Get Over a Break-up.

The main thing to do is NOT live in the past, yet at the same time; DON’T live like you never had a past. Learn and remember the good things from your past but don’t compare them to the present or future. If this was your first love, it will probably always be hard to forget them. There’s no way of changing the past, so don’t punish yourself for what happened by wishing everything went smoothly. Learn from every experience so you know what to do in the future.

After a break-up, it’s very easy for someone to immediately run into someone else’s arms, but really, all they’re doing is covering the pain inside from the last one. You can cover a peanut w/ chocolate but its still there. You have to eat it if you want it to go away. That’s what you have to do with the relationship. You cannot just move on and pretend like nothing happened… that is not the proper way to heal. You have to pull it apart, go through the emotions and most importantly, forgive your ex and forgive yourself.

Right after a break-up it’s normal to go through a whole series of feelings for this person, one most obviously being anger. Know that it takes two, and both of you are responsible for what happened. You have every right to be angry, but you have no right to take it out on your ex- keep your anger to yourself and don’t let anyone be hurt.

Once your pillow has soaked up all your tears, spend some time doing something that doesn’t require you to be alone. God see a movie with some friends or have a slumber party… anything that will help you get your mind off your ex.

Life is a journey… well; really… it’s more like an ice cream sundae. And your love life is the cherry on top. We can eat the sundae without the cherry fine, but it tastes a whole lot better with the cherry… especially when it’s saved till last. In other words- You can date a long time without finding the right “taste,” but the most important thing is saving the cherry till last so you don’t end up with melted drops of ice cream in the bottom of the dish- with no happy ending. Save your heart (cherry) for the only first and last time you can give it away. Share with that special person the amazing joy of saving something for them your whole life, and the incredible feeling of spending one moment that you can never take back and only give away once in your lifetime… ultimately, your virginity along w/ unconditional love pouring out of your heart & soul.

If you eat the ice cream slowly, it’ll melt before your eyes. If you eat it fast you won’t have any time to enjoy it and really taste it. If you want your pace to be just right, let God take control, because His timing is always perfect. Know that even if the break-up was bad, if God wanted you two to be together, He WILL bring you two back together someday, in HIS timing.

My best advice for any God-fearing adolescent would be to never date unless you think this person could be a potential spouse in the future. And NEVER date unless you’re ready to give your heart away. It’s always a good idea to be friends first, and then if they treat you right, you could consider being more than friends.

When you are dating, always set boundaries, and keep them! It’s always easy to give into temptation, but it’s easier to resist temptation when both you and your bf have limits. Never go into a relationship thinking it will be perfect, because not even marriage is completely filled with love all the time.

Even though it sounds nice, being friends right after a break-up is not a good idea. You both need time for yourself, and being in each other’s lives right away, might only make things worse. If you were rude or unkind in the process, say you’re sorry and everything but don’t talk to them AT ALL quite a while after that. Then, if you two have moved on and have forgiven each other, it is a good idea to become friends. Don’t say anything to that person until you’re completely forgiving of them, otherwise you might say things you’ll regret. If you have something to say to them, save it, think about it, and ask yourself if it’s really necessary. Consider yourself lucky if you stay friends for a while, because you got to know them on both a romantic and friendly level, and hopefully, brothers and sisters in Christ.

Boys will come and go but God stays with you forever; He will always love you and always be there for you. Give your heart to the one person in the world who cares SO much for you and who is faithful and kind at all times.

During a break-up, make sure you know the one true reason why it didn’t work out. Most of the time, a couple months later, you’ll wonder if that reason was even reasonable! Sometimes the reason is obvious, such as cheating or you just didn’t get along.

They say love is blinding, and “they” are absolutely right. When you’re in love, you tend to see all the great and wonderful qualities of your partner and never really pay attention to the not-so-great qualities. We are so wrapped up in our feelings, we think that love conquers all, and by all, I mean sin… which it doesn’t. Our feelings for a person cannot disguise someone else’s flaws. As we grow in our relationship, we gradually become more aware of our partner’s sins… that eventually leads to questioning ourselves…who is this person?-why do I love them?- and what makes us a perfect couple? There is such a thin line between love and hate. One minute we can adore someone, then something goes wrong, and the next minute we can hate their guts. Don’t be that kind of person. True love loves at all times, even when the other side hates us.

Staying in God’s Word will help you keep so focused in everything you do, it will help you keep a clean conscience and it will keep the blind-fold of sin removed. While you two were going out your partner was an angel, but when you broke up they were a jerk? It doesn’t make sense. They were either one or the other all along. If your family and friends didn’t fully support you in the relationship, they’re not going to fully support you in the break-up either. It’s between you and him, not anyone else.
Here’s a basic outline of what I just said…..

1. Cry and know its ok to get mad, but only in secret.
2. Go out and do something fun; spend time with your friends- a lot! Treat yourself; go get a new hairstyle or try something you haven’t done before.
3. Admit to your own mistakes, forgive your ex, and forgive yourself.
4. Think about what you learned from that experience and use it to tackle future obstacles. List ways of how you’ve become a better, stronger person.
5. Take it like a man! Know that it’s not the end of the world, and this is only a little bump in the road.
6. Reach for something higher, ultimately God. Set future goals for yourself.
7. If possible, after a couple months, see if you can’t be friends again. But any time before that EX-Communicate yourself from him.
8. Look at the experience as a new open door for more opportunities. (When you’re dating, there are expectations that you wouldn’t have if u were single.)
9. Always be kind.
10. Trust God! His timing is always perfect. Stay in the Word and know that even if the reason for breaking up was unreasonable, what’s done is done. Rejoice in the fact that this is all a part of God’s amazing plan for your life, and all of these hardships are tests to make you a better person in Him.
In Christ,

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

"Cornerstone"- Courtney MacLellan

Vs. 1
Everyone around you
But you feel so alone
Push you this way

Push you that way
Crying for someone to
Please take control!

Vs. 2
Reach for something
End up with nothing
Helplessly searching
Something feed this old soul.

Take me in, draw me close
Fill my heart-
So I won’t feel alone!
Comfort me, redeem me
Jesus, to me you have shown
You are… you are…
The Cornerstone

Vs. 3
Now I am free, I know
You love me.
Hold me fast, never let go.
Sin no longer enslaves me
Beautiful… beautiful…


Tuesday, February 6, 2007


••His Glory Defined was inspired by the song "Glory Defined" by Building 429....

Monday, February 5, 2007

••● Friends: What an Influence! ●••

••●So many teens today are pushed to do things they'd not always do. "By whom?" You might ask. Well of course, its your friends. A friend, i believe, is the #1 most influential person in your life. Lots of times a friend can be very helpful and encouraging and be very fun to have around, but of course, like anything else, there are disadvantages. In this blog i'll be talking about friends in the secular world and friends in the Body of Christ, i'll be comparing the huge difference between the two and also the similarities.

Friends in the Secular World

Wikipedia describes a friend like this....

"A friend is a person on whom you can confidently rely on to help pull you through the hard times, and hold you accountable for your actions. A friend is loyal, and a brother is born in a time of need. A friend will not judge you for who you are, but they will help you to grow in life."

Dictionary.com describes a friend like this....

"a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard, a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter, a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile, A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts, A person whom one knows; an acquaintance, A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade, One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement, etc."
Friends in the Body of Christ
All of these descriptions of a friend are very true yet most of the time today, cease to be played out in reality. See how the Bible talks about a friend...

John 15:9-17
9"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. 11I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. 14You are my friends if you do what I command. 15I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. 16You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 17This is my command: Love each other.

As you can see, there is no one word to describe a friend because a friend you cannot describe, a friend cannot be made, a friend cannot be measured- because *a friend is a precious gift from God.* That of which is from God is unfathomable.~
(Friends in the Secular World...continued)

Ok, so a friend is indescribable.... but i can say that there are many things that a friend is not.~

If you ever want to know what its like to have a fake friend, just ask me. Having friends, believing they are really your friends, and then eventually finding out they were just using you, is the most painful experience. But there's a bright side- its one of the most encouraging and uplifting experiences and it will make you such a strong person in the end.

In public schools, you'll usually gain friends of the basis of similar interests/personalities. Because in the school, you are practically pushed to be close to at least someone, there's really no opportunity for an emotional connection. In school, you go through the grades and move on, probably forgetting all the friends you ever had, once ten years pass. You and your friends right now may be very close... when you're having fun and getting along... but when something unwanted comes into your relationship (such as persecution, name-calling, a death, etc.) it is very easy for your friends to back away, because they're scared of being "soft" and comforting you. They don't know how much a hug means to you when you're crying or left alone. They don't know how much a phone call or flowers mean when you're home sick. They don't know the INCREDIBLE damage jealousy can do to your friendship.

(Friends in the Body of Christ... continued)

As in John 15, love is the most important thing in your frienship. 1 Corinthians so beautifuly states... "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal." And as with my past experiences, trust is the key to having a healthy relationship that will last. Therefore, I believe (based upon God's Word and real life experiences) love and trust come hand in hand and are both a MUST in any relationship/friendship.
Friends :) .........
Don't be fooled by what your "friends" say and do to make you *think* they're your real friends. The test is time. The solution is love. The outcome is happiness.
A Little About Me
It was only after i started to homeschool that i realized my "friends" at school were really only people i knew and enjoyed being with. I know that in a life/death situation, most of them would very hesitant to take my place if i was to die. I then knew who my real friends were, and i knew that they loved me unconditionally.... they loved me as their sister in Christ, and loved me because we shared the most important thing... a place in heaven with Jesus Christ.
I think the bible calls our fellow christians, "brothers and sisters" instead of "friends in the Lord" because family loves at all costs, no matter who you are, or what you're goin through or what you've done to them, a brother and a sister are way closer than just a friend. Our brothers and sisters in Christ will love us at any cost! A friend can be turned off if you say something that offends them and you might not ever communicate ever again, but family is the most forgiving unit out there. A true friend IS like a brother.
Please do not think i'm against having friends that aren't willing to die for you at any given moment. And don't think i'm against being friends with someone who doesn't value you as the great person you are. Just know that it is God's will that you remain kind and loving to everyone, especially your enemies. With this blog, i am just helping you become more aware of the lie our "friends" may be telling us.... the lie that says its ok to use someone for your pleasure alone.
Hebrews 3:12-14 says...
"12 Take heed, brethren, lest haply there shall be in any one of you an evil heart of unbelief, in falling away from the living God:
13 but exhort one another day by day, so long as it is called To-day; lest any one of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin:
14 for we are become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our confidence firm unto the end..."
Let me leave you with this.......
My best friend, Hannah (7 yrs old) gave me a card that said this.....
To: a best frend
To: Cortne
wen you hav a frend you wil wont to keep it.
From: Hannah
With this card, she touched me in ways i can't even describe. It truly meant something because i KNEW she meant it! I love her with all of my being and i WOULD die for her at any moment. It's truly a blessing to have a friend like her, and most importantly have her as my sister in Christ. I am truly thankful for the godly friends i do have, they are such an encouragement to me in my walk with the Lord♥
In Christ Alone,

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Christian Music Alternatives

This is a guide to give you a better undestanding of the types of christian music available. Use it as a tool for comparison of secular to christian music styles. Since no two artists ever sound alike, the comparisons are general and subjective. Many artists traverse or combine multiple musical styles and therefore may be listed in more than one category.


If You

AFI; Audioslave; Creed; The Darkness; Evanescence; Hoobastank; Jet; Kid Rock; Limp Bizkit; Linkin Park; Nickelback; Pearl Jam; Puddle of Mudd; Red Hot Chilli Peppers; Staind; The Hives; The Strokes; The Vines; The White Stripes.

Try These
12 Stones; 38th Paralell; Audio Adrenaline; Building 429; Big Dismal; By The Tree; Jeremy Camp; East West; Falling Up; GS Megaphone; Jonah 33; Kutless; Lucerin Blue; Peace of Mind; Pillar; Poor Old Lu; Sanctus Real; Skillet; Seventh Day Slumber; Tait; Thousand Foot Krutch;tobyMac.


Revelation 21:1-5

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." ♥

Philip James Elliot ღ

•Philip James Elliot (October 8, 1927 – January 8, 1956) was a evangelical Christian missionary to Ecuador who, along with four others, was killed while attempting to evangelize the Huaorani people.

"He is no fool who gives that what he cannot keep to gain that what he cannot lose."

"Grieve not, then, if your sons seem to desert you, but rejoice, rather, seeing the will of God done gladly.”
Jim Elliot