Sunday, January 21, 2007

Me, My Life, And I.

A Little Bit About Me

First of all, i am a jESUS fREAK! (Officialy!) lol, my non-christian friends think i'm insane!... And i love it. I live in a small town where my dad pastors in a Baptist Church. I have two sisters, a mom & dad and a dog. Oh, and i'm 14 years old. I'm NOT one of those wishy washy teens who just claim to be a christian, i really am one! And i'm livin it out loud! I just wish there could be so many more opportunities to share the gospel. I homeschool, so all the more i look forward to seeing my friends at church, youth group & bible study.

I became a christian when i was 3 but about a year ago i was really hurt by one of my best "friends" and i became very very depressed, I tryed to avoid everyone because i thought i would never meausure up to anything "they" expected me to be. I would constantly put myself down because i felt it was my fault that my friends were going astray. Then someone came into my life and from then on my life has been nothing but happiness-filled. This special someone doesn't think he's so special but i know he is, I love him so much. And he, too, is wandering astray from Christ.

But now, instead of being depressed and trying to take things into my own hands, I'm offering it all to God. From the time i was depressed till now you wouldn't believe how much i have grown in Christ, it's incredible to have the Holy Spirit working in me and seeing myself love Him more each day. I feel so much stronger, and could not be this way without all the help and encouragement from my friends, my pastor and most importantly, Christ. Everyday is a huge struggle, trying to run from the tempation of being depressed and feeling sorry for myself. Most of the time i'm bored here in the ol' house with no friends and nothin to do, but i guess it would drive me crazy if i was busy all the time. I like to hang with friends, but thats practically impossible when ya don't have good friends. So yeah, my time will come... someday. To God be the glory. All i am i owe to God, i can take no credit for how blessed i am.
There's more to come about Me, My Life, and I... i just don't have a lot of time right now!

Love y'all,

In Christ Alone,
