Saturday, January 20, 2007

For My Boys♥

Okay, guys, can i offer you a little fatherly advice? If God has brought someone special into your life, then you should be thankful for her and treat her in a way that honors the Lord.

Here are ten key points for you to consider.

1. Treat her like the treasure she is.

-Speak gently to her and treat her with kindness.

-Put her interests before your own (for example, listen to her when she wants to talk).

2. Bring the Lord into you relationship.

-Pray for her and dedicate the time you spend together to the Lord.

-Talk to her about spiritual things and tell her you want to honor Christ in your relationship.

3. Respect her parents.

-Always greet them and show them respect.

-Don't call too late at night. (You might ask when it is too late to call- probably after 10:00 P.M.) When you do call, say something like "Hello, Mrs. Anderson. This is Mike, May I please speak to Bridget?"

4. Talk with her.

-Communication is very important to girls, so let her say whatever is on her mind.

-Try to put into words what you're thinking and feeling; she'll love that.

5. Compliment her.

-Encourage her in the things she does well.

-On a regular basis, tell her she looks pretty.

6. Protect her reputation.-Never make up stories about what you've done with her.

-Speak respectfully about her to others, emphasizing her good qualities.

7. Never put yourself in a vulnerable situation.

-Don't be in a house alone together or cuddle under blankets.

-Don't plan on making out. (Try to get the physical stuff out of your head.)

8. Concentrate on BEING the right person rather than FINDING the right person.

-Be honest, reliable, and kind.

-Understand that God will use your dating partner to help you become more like Christ if you let him.

9. Realize that honoring God is more important than satisfying you horomones.

-Remember that lust looks after what it can get; love looks after what it can give.

-Set rules about your physical relationship and stick to them.

10. Let her be herself, but always point her to Christ.

-Let your words and actions build her up, not tear her down.

-Don't try to change her, but rather change yourself to be more like Christ.

.Guard Your Mind, Heart, and Body in a Sex-Saturated World.