Saturday, January 20, 2007

For My Girls♥

Girls, it's so easy to believe lies about yourself. You may be pretty but feel ugly. You may have nice things but feel empty. You may think so poorly of yourself that you run to find a sense of significance in a young man's arms. It can be tempting to give yourself away to gain a feeling of security. But you keep forgetting the truth:You are a PRINCESS! You mean everything to your heavenly Father, and he wants you to be treated with respect. Read the following ten points and keep in mind that they are worthy guides because you are a daughter of the King!

1. Find your significance and security in God, not in a guy.

-Guys will let you down. (If you don't believe me, just wait.)

-Guys cannot fill the void that God designed to be filled by Him alone.

2. Realize that true beauty begins on the inside and works its way outward.

-Your heart is more important than your body.

-All the make-up, clothes, and accessories in the world can't hide an insecure heart.

3. Don't compare yourself with cover girls; you'll lose every time.

-It's not fair to compare yourself with a model who gets her pictures professionally airbrushed.

-Learn to accept yourself for the unique person you are.

4. Be careful about how you dress.

-Guys are turned on and led astray by what they see. Help them, don't hurt them.

-Look the best with what God gave you, but don't show too much.

5. If your father is absent or neglectful, be careful not to run to guys too quickly.

-When dad is missing from your life, it can be easy to get involved earlier and deeper with guys.

-Take it slow with the guys; you'll probably be close to one of them for most of your life.

6. Respect yourself.

-Never accept verbal or physical abuse.

-Draw a line for how far you will go physically- and stick to it.

7. Don't punish yourself for relationships that don't work out.

-Remember, your timing is not always God's timing. Trust him even when you don't understand.

-God's grace is more than sufficient for our weaknesses and mistakes.

8. Don't expect guys to totally understand your feelings and problems all the time.

-Let's face it, a lot of times guys just don't get it. Give them some slack.

-Building up a guy in your mind will lead to disappointment.

9. Build a relationship with your mom or another older woman.

-Remember, your mom was a teenager once too! She is probably eager to talk to you about the things going on in your life.

-If you aren't able to talk to your mom about things, be intentional and prayerful about finding and older woman who will listen and talk to you.

10. Understand that the decisions you make now will leave a lasting mark on your life.

-No matter how hard you try, you can't turn the clock back.

-You will never regret honoring God in each area of your life.

.Guard Your Mind, Heart, and Body in a Sex-Saturated World.