Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 3: Candle Light

Candle Light
Sorry! It's late today, but better late than never! 
In northern Alberta, we're blessed with short winter days. And when we're challenged with these short days, always with a challenge comes an opportunity. I absolutely love candles! I know, it seems like a theme going on for the past few days- hot chocolate, lotion, candles... but I promise there will be more of the outdoor variety! 
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, take the opportunity to treat yourself with candle light! It's calming, and very beautiful on a winter night... especially if you belong to a household without a fireplace! It's sweet and short, mostly because I'm crunched for time today. 
All in all, candles are a wonderful escape in the cold realities of winter and they're one of my favorite parts of the darker parts of the year!


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