Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Wikipedia defines loneliness as this: "Loneliness is an emotional state in which a person experiences a powerful feelings of empitness and isolation. Loneliess is more than just the feeling of wanting company or wanting to do something with another person. Loneliness is a feelings of being cut off, disconnected and alienated from other people. The lonely person may find it difficult or even impossible to have any form of meaningful human contact. Lonely people often experience a subjective sense of inner emptiness or hollowness, with feelings of seperation or isolation from the world."

Let's face it, every single human being on this planet is terrified of being alone. Everyone is always looking for something or someone to "complete them." It is not good for people to be alone, but its not bad either. From my experience, being alone builds character and gives you strength, while constantly being with other people causes you to be dependant on them and not have the courage to stand alone. But also, being alone can cause problems. Loneliness can make people depressed and they may turn to alcohol or drugs to drown their pain. Lots of time, our loneliness comes from our own doings. We may be lonely because we're not makin an effort to NOT be lonely. Our own loneliness can be caused by what we THINK people think of us, so we start believing it, which makes a wall come up between you and that person, when really, they never said or did anything to make it clear that they had something against you.

Loneliness revolves around the fact that we are way too caught up in your own emotions and we have taken it so far that it has become an epidemic throughout our whole mind. We spend more time thinking about ourselves, than the needs of other people- and this can cause big problems. Loneliness is a said, yet unnecessary thing in our lives and we must equip ourselves to overcome it with the right things. You can be ALONE but NOT be lonely.

-Courtney <3

1 comment:

Rae said...

awesome blog! :)