Ok, so i was dealing with a friend yesterday. I was
About a year ago, i read in my christian magazine of several christian music artists speaking of how having your parents' trust is crucial to having an intimate relationship with Christ. It didn't hit me at the time- but now that this "situation" came up- it was so helpful.
I know several times where my parents just couldn't trust me with things, and it terrified me. I'm so happy now that i've regained their trust, and i am a lot more happy in the Lord. Not having your parents' trust builds up a wall between you and them, and if taken too far, it can take a while to break down that wall.
A true believer in Jesus Christ does not participate in habitual sin without feeling somewhat guilty and overwhelmed by the fact that they are outrightly disobeying not only their parents, but God himself. That sin will be no help at all in your relationship with Him. As long as you sin, you will continue to draw away from Christ.
Your parents' reasons and rules may seem completely unreasonable. But no matter what, even if you think its the most stupidest thing in the world, you as a christian will have a desire to obey, even if you don't understand at all. You'll know how important their trust is when you're older. And there'll be so much more love and harmony between you and your parents. TRUST me.
If you ARE guilty about disobeying your parents that means precisely that you absolutely care about what they think of you and what GOD thinks of you. Your christian parents' relationship with you and God's relationship with you are totally connected because God has called your parents to bring you up in the way of the Lord.
I don't know what you're thinking or anything but i know that if you truly are a follower of Christ, you should have the desire to completely remove ANYTHING and everything that would cause you to stumble in your relationship with Christ- you will remove anything that is stopping your relationship with Christ from being the absolute best it can be.
Our weaknesses are tests to see if we really have true saving faith in God, we need to be up for the challenge to go through anything life throws at us and remain faithful to God.
So, for my friends, I pray for each and every one of you daily that every step you take will be with the Lord, trusting in His guidance, love and protection alone. I love you all SO much, it is my delight to see you growing in the knowledge of the Lord, and for those who are not saved- my heart aches for you tremendously. I hope everyone who reads this will be blessed and challenged, and i hope you all have an awesome week!
Love in Christ,
Courtney <3
Nice post =)
Do you know what it mean by the first commandment with promise? I've bin wondering for a wile now lol
That was amazing, i loved how you pointed out the very very important fact of loving and obeying and respecting our parents. i'm prayin for ya too girl. have an awesome week. :)
Jacob, you'll have to figure that out for yourself :)
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