There are youth today doing drugs, drinking and partying yet coming to youth group, they are watching and doing sinful and inappropriate things for a christian and yet they're coming to youth group, believing themselves satisfied, believing themselves saved and no one is saying anything except this: "they're carnal christians, they're really christians, they're just carnal." - that is not biblical and it is not historical.
My dear friend, there is no such thing as a carnal christian. "They" say in 1 Corinthians 3, "are he not carnal," is what Paul said.... No! That's what Paul said, but you need to read the whole book to find out what he meant. Our problem is that christianity today is based on sayings we read on the back of christian t-shirts, today's christianity comes from song writers and not the bible. Most of what we believe to be true is dictated to us by our culture and not by the bible. The bible never teaches that a person can be a genuine christian and live in continuous carnatlity and wickedness and sin all the days of their life. But the bible teaches that the genuine get a new nature the genuine christian has a Father who loves them and disciplines them and watches over them and cares for them.
My heart is breaking because you, my fellow young people, you know as well as i do, lets not be hyprocites about it, lets not hide it -there are so many! You know them! You might be one of them, or you at least know that they're in your youth group. They come to youth group, they do all the stuff but in their heart they're as wicked as wicked can be. There is no difference, there's no light, everything that the world does they do and its "appropriate" its "ok". My friend, that's not christianity, They are not in danger of losing their reward they're in danger in HELL! They know not God.
So many people today proffess to have had an encounter with Jesus Christ and yet they are not permanently changed! You will know someone is a genuine christian by their fruit! Look at your life! Look at the way you walk, the way you talk, the passions of your heart, is Jesus in there somewhere? Or is he just some accessory that you add on to your life? Is he just something you do on Wednesday or Sunday? Is he an accessory or is he the very center of your life?!?! And what is the fruit you are bearing? Do you look like the world, act like the world? Do you have and experience the same joy that the world experiences? Can you love sin, can you love rebellion? You will know them by their fruit! God has the power to change them.
Please, i'm begging of you today, be honest before the world, and before your Creator! It is impossible to have an encounter with something as large as a logging truck, be run over by it, and not be changed! And so my question is... what is larger? A logging truck or God? How is it that SO many people today proffess to have had an encounter with Jesus Christ and yet they are not permanently changed! And so i pose the question... are you a genuine christian, holy and blameless before God, or are you a liar destined for eternal pain and suffering in hell?
In Christ,
Courtney <3