Today, in my school books, I came across a paragraph that said this…

“Since the beginning of human existence, people have been curious about why things are the way they are. Because people didn’t know the real causes, they created their own explanations of nature’s mysteries. Now that science has answered most of these questions, pourquoi tales are enjoyed principally for their imaginative explanations.”
These scientists and people searching for the answers of life don’t know the truth is right at their fingertips. The bible says God is revealed in all of creation, yet all this time, people refuse to believe the truth- they want to make their own discoveries based on what they only make themselves think is true, and all the while- what they believe has no logic and no explanation for why they came up with such a conclusion.
“There is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.” Obviously, nonchristians will not willingly choose to step into the concept of God is creator- we are creation. But us Christians can do our part by bringing creation into this world like never before. We are perfectly capable, with the help of the Holy Spirit to take a stand for Christ… to firmly state what we KNOW is true- death penalty or not.
Countless times Christians are fighting over the doctrine of Christ- lets face it, humans will never come up with one complete conclusion of what we think the bible is telling us. So why not unite together so we can become a strong force against the world rather than fighting immaturely LIKE the world? Who cares if every single person on planet earth has their own opinion about things- God made us that way! He made us unique- not one of us is like anyone else.
God made the reason for our purpose so plain and simple. If He wanted to make the answers complicated, and make us search for them for billions of years, He would have! But we don’t have to! Scientists today are still trying to pull apart biological diversity- breaking everything down into tiny pieces- only making everything even more complicated than they already made it to be.
You don’t have to analyze an atom to figure out how we were formed and how we ever came to be, just take a step back- and look at the whole entirety of creation- ‘how in the world’ do you get mountains, humans, animals, trees, buildings and tiny insects from an imperfect, mythological, chance-purposed explosion? If we evolved from apes, how come we ain’t still evolving? When did the evolving suddenly stop? Why is every single person’s body absolutely perfect and alike in its form? How can you get perfection from massive imperfection? It’s just not logical!
We were made BY God, in the IMAGE of God, and continue to exist BECAUSE of God! We do not exist by our own free will, and we don’t exist apart from God’s will.
This is one of my favorite quotes:
"God is glorified not only by His glory's being seen, but by its being rejoiced in. When those that see it delight in it, God is more glorified than if they only see it.... He that testifies his idea of God's glory [does not] glorify God so much as he testifies also his approbation of it and his delight in it."
~Courtney <3
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