Romans 7:18-19
"I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing."
This passage was read in my Student Ministries class this morning and it really came out at me. It is so true, so sobering. I'm constantly thinking and doing things i so despise.. and yet i do them anyway. This week i caught myself thinking some sinful things and i had no idea why i was thinking them.. they just came.. and i was like "What??? How did i ever get thinking that??" i just said, "Get away! now! i don't want you anymore!" It immediately vanished but it still so surprised me how fast it came with little effort.
This proves how we are so sinful, through and through. And we as christians are so aware of this sinful desire that we commit daily... but i was thinking today... what about the world? What do they know about sin? It doesn't affect them.. and they're rarely guilty.. how can they know the devastating effects of sin and it's wicked ways?... they worship sin. The world is unaware of what is good. Of course they faintly see the effects of sin daily, but just think of it as mishaps. The wars and deaths and tragedies and disasters effect them so, but they only see it as misfortune.
The world is SO unaware of the good things God wants to see in us... and don't even know that they are GOOD, desirable, admirable things. For example, pride is the one thing that the world absolutely loves and inhabits... and at the same time, its the very thing God hates. Luke 4:11- "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." It sadens me so, to think how blind the world is to the most amazing things in life. Anyways, just wanted to jot down those few things for today. Have a good one y'all. God bless you this week :)
In Christ,
Courtney ♥
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