Got my
school picture today! I was very excited. Since my interest in photography, I have enjoyed watching the photographers come to school and so smoothly go through each grade in just under a day. For that part, I am impressed. But I am not impressed, however, as to the quality of the picture on the CD I ordered. Since I have a sufficient printer at home, I chose to print my own from a CD I ordered, which is much cheaper by the way. The
Life-touch photography company gave me 1.2x1.5" photograph at 250 pixels/inch or 1.52 MB (The pictures I take are usually around 5-8 MB) which turns out to be quite fuzzy when printed to a 5x7" or 8x10"! Another problem, there is no time to become comfortable in front of the camera. You walk in, you sit down, she takes your picture, and you're out. This year's picture is so awkward because I couldn't even concentrate on my smile, I was forced to sit properly, she didn't care what my expression was and never made an effort to be personal. Anyway, I say all this to bring across a point, photography is capturing the essence of one's being, in my belief.
This lady was not a photographer, she was a hired person, paid to do the job, nothing more, nothing less. I guess I can't sign off without actually showing my picture, though. Yes, it's nice, but it's not OH WOW!...