Scripture Reading: Luke 9:51-56; 23:26-34
Today’s Treasure: “When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, ‘Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?’ But Jesus turned and rebuked them” (Luke 9:54-55).
James and John asked Jesus if He wanted them to call down fire from heaven and destroy a Samaritan village that did not welcome Him. They remind me of two little boys holding their popguns, jumping up and down pleading: “Let me shoot! Let me! Let me!” The difference is, this was no game. They wanted to call down the fire of God. They were eagerly asking for permission to be agents of massive, irreversible destruction. Nothing is more permanent or terrifying than the destruction of the lost. We ought to be scared to death to wish such a thing on anyone. Eternity is a long time. Even when punishment comes to the terribly wicked, we are wise to remember with deep sobriety, humility, and thankfulness that only grace saves us from a like sentence.
We know this world is filled with wickedness. As Christ’s present-day disciples, we will no doubt be offended when people reject the Savior as the Samaritan village did that day. God’s desire, however, is for us to pray for His mercy, His Spirit’s conviction, and their repentance rather than their judgment. Christ said even of those who hammered the nails into His flesh, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (John 23:34).
God is indeed the righteous judge. When Christ returns, those who rejected Him will literally cry to the mountains, “‘Fall on us!’ and to the hills, ‘Cover us!’” (Luke 23:30). Judgment is coming, but may the thought of it cause us to weep, plead, and pray. Never boast or feel satisfaction. Only one thing stands between us and the lost: a blood-stained cross.
No matter how common this attitude is, it is terribly offensive to Christ. May we humble ourselves before Him, repent, and daily choose to lay down the albatross of our own egos.
Oh, God, give us a longing—not for the sin of this world to be judged—but for the sinners of this world to be forgiven. Give me the passion to pray for the salvation of the lost. Thank You for having mercy on my soul and for saving me from the destruction I deserve because of my sin. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Adapted from Jesus the One and Only, by Beth Moore, pages 188-189. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2002. Used by permission.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I want you to see me clearly
Want u to see me thru
Can u see feel this heart?
Can u grasp this mind?
I want to know the truth.
I don't cry and i don't smile
What must you think i am
My actions, my beliefs
Need be explained again?
I can't feel my fingers
And i can't feel my toes
The only thing i feel........
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
1 Peter 4:7-11
"But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers. 8 And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.” 9 Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. 10 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 11 If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen"
There's one thing i noticed this week and its been bothering me... people are complaining way too much. Thats all i can say really- its just what it is. Like i think, lighten up people, there is a way to live without complaining and being with happy with everything thats put on our plate. Life is amazing when you look at it in the light of Christ. Believe me. But yeah.... If only people were less critical of everyone and themselves and just loved life, accept the fact that everyone has their own opinion and their own way of thinking, and don't try and convince them that your way or your opinion is always right. So yeah. ttyl y'all ... luv u
There's one thing i noticed this week and its been bothering me... people are complaining way too much. Thats all i can say really- its just what it is. Like i think, lighten up people, there is a way to live without complaining and being with happy with everything thats put on our plate. Life is amazing when you look at it in the light of Christ. Believe me. But yeah.... If only people were less critical of everyone and themselves and just loved life, accept the fact that everyone has their own opinion and their own way of thinking, and don't try and convince them that your way or your opinion is always right. So yeah. ttyl y'all ... luv u
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Having a PERSONAL Relationship
with JESUS CHRIST is the most un-earthly,
mind-boggling, out of this world, uncomprehendable
experience ANYONE can ever hold to.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Brought Me for a Reason
O God,
Why am i crying?
Am i so selfish
Am i full of myself?
But you know thats not what I am
O God,
Why am i crying?
Where do thses tears come from?
I don't want them
To see me like this
Isn't crying a sign of weakness?
O God,
Why am i crying?
Is it him? the evil one?
Or is it me, selfish me.
O God,
Why am i crying?
I feel something breaking and healing
Inside of me.
God, I need your help,
Please keep me strong
I need others to see You in me
O God
I want to be a witness for You
Some days I just wish it was you and me.
But God, there are so many hearts
That need to be mended.
Help me help them
I don't know what my heart
Is feeling right now
My emotion has gone dull.
And you're all i see.
I want you to come and come fast
But Lord, I want my friends to meet you
I want to help your love spread to all.
So fill me, Lord, till i overflow
Let me shine the name of Jesus
In everything i do
O God,
You know why i am crying
God its You
You're humbling me, breaking me,
So i may be who you will.
These tears are not of sadness
For in only You i have joy.
God, now i know.
These tears are of love
Its pouring all out of me
Lord, let my friends have a drink
They're all so thirsty
And do not know which water is safe
Cause them to see, Lord
Cause them to breathe.
O God
Bless me and my surroundings
Bless me according to the will
And grace of the father.
Let those of whom i touch
Be changed, bring your Spirit upon them.
Help me walk in Your way faithfully.
Help me use the gifts you've given
For the glory of Christ.
I am grateful my fear is gone
Thank you, Lord
You're all I need
And now i see
You brought me for a reason.
Why am i crying?
Am i so selfish
Am i full of myself?
But you know thats not what I am
O God,
Why am i crying?
Where do thses tears come from?
I don't want them
To see me like this
Isn't crying a sign of weakness?
O God,
Why am i crying?
Is it him? the evil one?
Or is it me, selfish me.
O God,
Why am i crying?
I feel something breaking and healing
Inside of me.
God, I need your help,
Please keep me strong
I need others to see You in me
O God
I want to be a witness for You
Some days I just wish it was you and me.
But God, there are so many hearts
That need to be mended.
Help me help them
I don't know what my heart
Is feeling right now
My emotion has gone dull.
And you're all i see.
I want you to come and come fast
But Lord, I want my friends to meet you
I want to help your love spread to all.
So fill me, Lord, till i overflow
Let me shine the name of Jesus
In everything i do
O God,
You know why i am crying
God its You
You're humbling me, breaking me,
So i may be who you will.
These tears are not of sadness
For in only You i have joy.
God, now i know.
These tears are of love
Its pouring all out of me
Lord, let my friends have a drink
They're all so thirsty
And do not know which water is safe
Cause them to see, Lord
Cause them to breathe.
O God
Bless me and my surroundings
Bless me according to the will
And grace of the father.
Let those of whom i touch
Be changed, bring your Spirit upon them.
Help me walk in Your way faithfully.
Help me use the gifts you've given
For the glory of Christ.
I am grateful my fear is gone
Thank you, Lord
You're all I need
And now i see
You brought me for a reason.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Think About It.
Imagine how magnificantly the angels sing when another child comes home.
Imagine how greatly the angels cry when a child has been hurt.
Imagine how much rejoicing shakes the heavens when a child takes his first step.
Just imagine.
I was talking with my parents this afternoon about staying a strong pillar when everyone around you is yelling and screaming in your face. I gave them a mental picture of what it was like for Jesus to walk all that way to the cross, with all the critizism- yelling- and lieing going on about him. Not any of it was true. There were people crying, people angry, people beating Jesus and yet even through the hardest thing anyone could go through, Jesus remained calm, with a gentle, loving spirit. He did not say a word, he did not retaliate, he did not snicker to anyone, he did not get back at everyone else when they said he was not the Messiah. He did not shove it in their faces the fact that he was the only perfect being on planet earth. He did not have to prove right then and there that everything he said and did was the Truth. Jesus did everything the Father called him to more, no less. Just imagine... i bet Jesus had his mind focused on the *prize* that entire time the soldiers were beating him.... i bet he was praying every step of the way to Calvary, i bet not even for a second he felt hate or resentment for those people. The fact that Jesus was being beaten and tormented for no righteous reason did not hinder him from pressing on and finishing the race for the joy set before Him. Jesus was absolutely and completely loving and compassionate even when He was walking his own walk, right to his very death.

I think this picture of the road to Calvary is a symbol and example of how our christian lives should be lived. Think about it. Jesus was calm and gentle all the time, and always spoke the Truth with love. This life now no longer gives us any excuse to be angry or hateful towards our brother. Nothing else matters but how we choose to live, think and act and where our eternal destination is. We are commanded to love one another just as He first loved us, and obey his Word faithfully....righteously. Think about it.
Courtney <3
Monday, June 4, 2007
Sunday, June 3, 2007
All to You My Beloved.
I don't know the reason why He brought me here
But i know I want to love you
I hope your realize you're the world to me
You're my everything
I miss having those talks with you
I miss the feeling of comfort when you're with me
Even when the world is against me.
This moment is blurry... the feelings-they're crooked
You've given me one thing, and its all i need
I can love you if i want to, no one can stop it
No one can hinder it.
Yes, we've gone different ways
But our heart is the same
Won't you let me in one last time
Give me a chance to make it alright?
So, the world continues on
Leaving me behind
In these memories so warm
In this love thats not blind.
I can't forget you,
You're a part of me-
And you know me this well-
Nothing can break away from me.
In my every dream, you're right there.
I've made you a part of my thoughts, my life, my actions.
I want to be yours, Just you and I
Together for the rest of our lives.
I re-live the day over and over
When i first loved you
I knew i could never part from you
This love is deep, this love is strong.
My soul burns and hungers for
My love for you to be returned.
You know, this circle is never ending
Please accept the ways.
Go with the flow
It'll be easier that way
Stop hiding from me, i know you're there
Its scary, i know, but in this fear we can share.
My heart has stopped since you were gone,
Waiting for a reason to beat again.
I hate to say it, but i'm desperate for you
The sound of your name makes me uneasy,
It gives me chills.
Whatever you've done, I always forgive
Each day is new, a new time to live.
Can't go a day without thinking these
Sweet thoughts of you.
Only wishing this passion, this dream
Would, somehow become real before my eyes.
Tell me, is it not true...
All these years of loving you
Has it died? Has it lessened?
No, it hasn't, its still growing- safe and strong.
All i want to say is
I love you.
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